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In order to prevent or manage your conflicts while minimizing direct costs and collateral damage (loss of motivation and efficiency, damaged reputation, internal spread of discomfort, etc.), Convergence offers you the following services:

Advice: Based on the various possible alternatives in conflict prevention and management, Convergence advises how to manage and communicate about the conflict situation, without any intervention on the ground on our part.


Intervention : At any stage of the conflict, Convergence intervenes through a neutral, independent and impartial third party, in complete confidentiality. This approved mediator or facilitator offers an framework for intervention, a structured process and hands-on tools supporting conflict resolution.


Support / empowerment : Convergence offers various tools, as well as knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills to gain autonomy in the prevention and management of conflicts (individual and group coaching, lessons learned based on a project carried out together and tailor-made training).

Modern Work Space
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